Some Dental Hygiene Tips You May Have Forgotten

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Dental Hygiene Tips
oral health routine

You’ve heard it from the time you were a child, first from your parents, then from every dentist you’ve ever had: it’s critical for your oral health to brush and floss your teeth every day. If you have taken that advice to heart, you have probably fallen into a deeply ingrained rut by this time, perhaps even finding yourself forgetting whether or not you actually brushed your teeth and checking to see if your toothbrush is wet or not! It’s great for you to have this healthy habit so well entrenched in your lifestyle, but there’s a hidden danger to it as well: you may be leaving parts of your teeth and gums uncleaned if you have a quick system that doesn’t really engage your mind. Today, we’d like to remind you of a few important dental hygiene tips that you may have forgotten over the years!

Time and Coverage

Do you still brush your teeth for the recommended two minutes? Once our parents trust us enough to get rid of the timer, many of us tend to slowly abbreviate our brushing routine until it’s much shorter than we think. But covering all of the surfaces of the teeth and gums that collect food and other particles throughout the day takes time if you intend to remove all of those particles. Challenge yourself to get the timer out and see how close your routine really is to the standard 120 seconds of brushing time.

Also, remember that there are other surfaces inside your mouth besides your teeth and gums that can benefit from a good cleaning! To really protect your oral health and keep your teeth beautiful, your cosmetic dentist in Raleigh, NC highly recommends giving your tongue and the inside surfaces of your mouth the same attention while you brush.

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The Right Equipment

From advanced procedures of cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC to the simple process of daily oral hygiene, the equipment you use is important! Even a lengthy, vigorous brushing won’t do you much good if your toothbrush’s bristles are falling out or if you are using a cheap brush that isn’t strong enough to scrub away infection-causing particles. Think of a high-quality toothbrush as an investment in your oral health, which very well may save you the headache (both figuratively and literally!) of dealing with cavities, root canals, or tooth extractions later on. And replace that toothbrush when it gets worn out, rather than continuing on with the same routine long after your brush has lost its effectiveness.

Choosing the right dental floss for your teeth may take some experimenting. There are quite a few choices out there, but with a little online research and a chat with your dentist, you can pinpoint the one that feels best and does the best job of reaching those particles that the toothbrush just can’t get to.

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Personalized Dental Hygiene Tips

Obviously, every person’s mouth is unique. That means, of course, that what works well for someone else’s daily hygiene routine might not be just right for you. It’s important to ask your dentist what dental hygiene tips he has for you once he’s taken a look at your teeth and identified what potential challenges you should be aware of and work extra hard to protect against. If it’s been quite a while since the last time you had a routine cleaning and exam, it’s even more important for you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. You may not feel any pain or see any visible problems with your teeth and gums, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in perfect health. Your dentist and his staff will help you identify the earliest warning signs of gingivitis, tooth decay, and other infections that will become severe problems before much longer.

It will be our privilege at New Hope Dental Care to help you and your family preserve great oral health and to partner with you to create your ideal daily hygiene regimen. Book your appointment today through our easy-to-use online system!

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