At New Hope Dental Care, our friendly and highly skilled team is ready to make your routine dental care visit as pleasant as possible!
Routine dental care is easy and convenient, setting the stage for a truly healthy mouth. For most patients, routine care is simply two cleanings and an exam each year. Patients with existing periodontal disease may require more frequent visits.
When you stay on schedule, you are less likely to need more in-depth procedures like root canals and extractions. In combination with daily oral hygiene habits, routine checkups can ward off cavities, gum disease, and other threats before they affect your overall health and the beautiful appearance of your smile.
However, a great smile is no reason to avoid the dentist’s office. If your teeth and gums are in great shape, you want to keep them that way! In fact, a brief visit to your dentist for a routine cleaning can keep your smile looking as bright, healthy, and beautiful as it always has.