Help For Parents From Your Raleigh Dentist

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Cavity Prevention
dental care raleigh nc

Parents worry about their kids—that’s part of their job. Some worry more than others, of course, but there are some things that all parents think about as their kids grow older. Dental health should be one of those things; as kids reach those preteen/teenage years and the formation of their dental structure goes through natural changes, it’s not uncommon for things to go off track a little bit. Today on our blog, we highlight three of the biggest worries that parents have about their kids’ teeth…along with the solutions to those worries. Spoiler alert: they all involve your trusted Raleigh dentist!


In the dentistry field, we usually refer to “tooth decay,” but we know exactly what you mean when you tell us that you’re worried about your little ones getting cavities. Among the many life skills that your kids are learning is daily oral hygiene, and it usually takes quite a bit of hands-on, persistent involvement from parents to establish the habit. Tooth decay is no fun, as anyone knows who has had to comfort a child suffering from constant pain caused by a cavity. When you help your kids set up a daily brushing and flossing habit, you are working to help them avoid that pain as much as possible for the rest of their life—not to mention the inconvenience of having the damage repaired by your Raleigh dentist.

Transition to Adult Teeth

It’s very exciting, and a little scary, for kids to have their teeth begin to fall out. As parents, we know what’s going on, but there is still concern on our part, especially when it looks like the adult teeth may not be growing in perfectly in relation to the outgoing “baby teeth.” Often things progress according to plan after all, but in many cases minor irregularities can be corrected by your Raleigh dentist early on, preventing those minor irregularities from becoming major tooth alignment and other problems. Your Raleigh dentist knows exactly what to look for as those adult teeth begin to come in, and he uses his experience and knowledge to make sure that your kids’ transition to adulthood (at least in terms of their teeth!) is a smooth and comfortable one.

Occlusion Issues

The term “occlusion” refers to a person’s bite—that is, the way their upper and lower jaws fit together when the teeth are closed. When that bite is off center, with the teeth meeting incorrectly, your Raleigh dentist calls it “malocclusion,” and it usually requires a fairly major corrective procedure. Just as your kids’ baby teeth transition to adult teeth, there is another major transition that happens during the preteen years, although it’s less visible: the bones of the jaws fuse together permanently, determining the final shape of the occlusion. The good news is that your Raleigh dentist can keep an eye on this development, and if he sees that there is a danger of malocclusion as the bones fuse together, he can use one of several different devices to gently redirect the development. With skill and patience, your dentist can help your child enjoy perfect occlusion during adulthood instead of complications resulting from an irregular bite.

Talk to Your Raleigh Dentist

As we’ve mentioned throughout this piece, the key to avoiding anxiety about all of these potential childhood dental problems is having your dentist in Raleigh, NC closely involved in your kids’ dental growth. Your local dentist has spent his career learning about the development of teeth and peering into the mouths of people with all sorts of different oral health issues, and that experience is available to help you give your children the most comfortable, healthy oral development possible.

New Hope Dental Care offers that experience under the care of Dr. Eric Ladimer, who is not only a great dentist but also a great “kid person”! Dr. Ladimer loves helping families, and he and his team alike consider it a special privilege to help kids get a fantastic head start on lifelong great oral health. From the time you walk into our waiting room to the time you wave goodbye, you and your kids will enjoy every visit with us. We hope to see you soon!

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