Halloween Candy is Fun for Everyone Except Teeth

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Dental Care

We all know what it was like as kids. Going to the Halloween store and picking our favorite costume (some parents even made the costumes), pumpkin carving, then finally trick or treating with our friends and family once it got dark. I would go to my friends’ neighborhoods because mine was small and would end quickly with little to no candy. In those neighborhoods, I could fill up a whole pillowcase with candy like it was nothing. Sometimes, I could even fill up two.

In this article, the best dentists in Raleigh, NC will talk about the ups and downs of Halloween candy.

The Candy Binge

Now, when I got back from trick or treating, I would usually be sleeping over at my friend’s house. So no parents were checking in to make sure we didn’t eat all our candy in one night. Therefore, I would do just that. Or at least come very close to it! Of course, there was some candy that I didn’t particularly enjoy so I wouldn’t eat those until the next day when I obviously realized that any candy is better than no candy.

Looking back, I wish that my parents stopped me somehow from my candy binges. While it was fun at the moment, I would feel sick not too long after. Sometimes even during! Plus, I didn’t always remember a toothbrush when staying at my friend’s house, so the sugar would stay on my teeth.

Yellow Teeth

No one wants to be that kid in school who has extremely yellow teeth. Those kids often get made fun of and have a harder time than most when trying to fit in. So as a parent, it may not be fun for our kids, but it’s important to stay on top of them when it comes to their oral care. They’ll thank you in 20 years! Hopefully.

When Halloween rolls around, take note of the amount of candy your children gtot. Some parents have found success in asking their kids if they want to donate the majority of their candy to kids who are less fortunate. That’s an easy way to attack the problem for kids who are happy to give. Some parents forbid their children from trick or treating at all. That option is a little extreme and may cause more harm than good as it will be very distressing for the children.

Cavities and Prevention

So our kids are going to eat candy. It’s not fair to stop it altogether. Let’s talk about the best we can do when considering it is going to happen no matter what. Before that, let me explain what cavities really are. The crystals from candy have harmful acids in them that dig holes in our dental enamel, forming what we call cavities.

Think about it. Our mouths are full of good and bad bacteria who are engaged in a constant battle. Eating candy solely fuels the bad bacteria, which then wreaks havoc on our teeth. Thankfully, there are steps to be taken to maintain oral care in light of consuming candy.

Brush Right After Eating Candy

After eating candy, the harmful bacteria in it are all released after 20 minutes. So if your kids eat their candy in small and quick bursts and then rush to thoroughly brush their teeth, you will save some emergency visits to the dentist.

Drink Lots of Water

Not many people know this, but water has an astounding ability to reverse as well as prevent the negative effects of teeth decay. So drink water after brushing your teeth in addition to drinking throughout the day for best results. Plus, water is a much better thing to drink compared to coffee or soda.

The cavity-causing bacteria in our mouths can’t deal with water, which cleanses the oral space with each sip, getting rid of leftover food and other residues. The harmful acids are also diluted. It’s still important to brush twice a day in addition to drinking water.

Go to the Dentist

You already take yourself and the kids to the dentist twice a year. Get your second yearly visits right after Halloween. The years of experience and studying by your dentist weren’t in vain. Sometimes a simple thing like consistently missing a few teeth in the back of your mouth when brushing will need to be dealt with regardless of how good you are at taking care of your teeth. Sometimes there are genetic factors at play that make people more prone to things like gingivitis.

Schedule your visit online for free today with a Raleigh NC dentist.

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