Candy Isn’t Just For Kids – Consume It Wisely

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Dental Care

Few eyes can resist the pretty colors and sweet tastes of candy. It’s easy to think to yourself that you will just have one and then eat much more than you are proud of. This is apparent for not just kids but adults alike. In fact, parents with kids still in the house are even more likely to consume candy throughout the year. 75% of all U.S. adults admit that they eat hard candy or chocolate throughout the year.

This blog post will give the perspective of a dental clinic in Raleigh, NC on the consumption of candy and the safest ways to get away with it. New Hope Dental Care is known for our expert root canals in Raleigh, NC area.

Don’t Eat Any

Okay, this one sounds a little outrageous because, hey, who wants to give up candy forever? For those with a lot of self-control, it’s to their advantage that they take this idea into consideration. Not only will you be saving money and hassle with dental costs, but the health benefits from a lack of extra empty calories are great and include losing weight. This goes for soda as well. Soda is the equivalent of liquid candy and should be treated the same way.

If You Insist, Purchase and Eat In Moderation

It’s way too easy to look at all the extra candy sitting in your bowl after Halloween ends and think to yourself,

“Well, I don’t want to throw it all away! And I don’t want my kids eating all this.. I’ll just finish this up”.

Stop right there. While it’s better during Halloween to have extra candy than for kids to come to your door and you do not have any candy for them, purchase the candy in moderation. Give the candy out in a way where you know you’ll have almost none left at the end of the night. That way, your teeth and stomach will thank you.

After Halloween, you will see on your next visit to the grocery store that all the candy is impossibly cheap. This is due to the fact that they have so much extra candy and need to get rid of it to make room for other things in the store.

What’s in your pantry is in your mouth! Keep that in mind.

This ties into our point of purchasing in moderation. When you don’t have much or any candy left over after Halloween, you did things right. Now you can (hopefully) toss the remainder in the trash.

Or, if you’re like 99% of the rest of the population, a small candy binge will take place. That, or the remainder will go upstairs in a cabinet to be forgotten about until they take on really gross textures before officially being thrown away.

How to Consume Candy Without Getting Cavities

There is a huge myth about sugar and that is that it causes cavities. You may have to read that twice because it in fact does not. Sugar causes tooth decay which, when combined with cavity-causing bacteria present in the mouth, leads to cavities. So the real problem is the bacteria in your mouth.

Here are our tips to avoid cavities while enjoying candy.

Drink Lots of Water

While it may be tempting to wash down some sweet candy with a sweeter soda, this isn’t doing you any favors. In fact, the acidic nature of soda will cause further damage to your teeth. When you drink water, the ultimate cleanser of nature, it clears away the bacteria which will prevent cavities.

Space out the Candy

This is especially important before bed as most people aren’t brushing as much as they should and this will lead to some major dental problems down the road. Moderation is key, as we have talked about above!

Brush Your Teeth Frequently

You’ve heard to brush twice a day. While this is true, you can benefit from brushing even more when consuming candy. When you eat candy, the sugar and bacteria are quick to act so it is best to brush right after eating about 15 minutes worth.

Final Thoughts

Parents arguably love candy just as much as their kids so candy is here to stay. Hopefully, you are one of the few people who can put candy to rest in their lives and not let it become a big deal. For everyone else, you can benefit from understanding the impact that candy has on oral care and what steps should be taken to best maintain your teeth and overall health.

Make an appointment with the best dental clinic in Raleigh, NC today.

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