Beating Cavities With Your Family Dentist In Raleigh, NC

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Dentist, Family Dentist, Teeth Whitening
oral health routine

Every parent dreads that report from the dentist after he gives their child an exam: “We’ll have to do something about that cavity.” Cavities are serious problems for someone at any age, but children are particularly likely to develop them, potentially causing permanent damage to their young teeth. Why are kids so vulnerable to tooth decay? For one thing, they tend to take in more sugary foods and drinks than adults in the first place. More importantly, however, children aren’t yet proficient at brushing, flossing, and otherwise maintaining the quality of their teeth and gums. That means they need their parents to be heavily involved in that preventive care if they are going to avoid the dreaded cavity conversation!

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Family Dentistry in Raleigh, NC

You will recognize that there is a problem with your child’s oral health if he or she starts complaining of pain in the mouth. But by that time, the tooth decay may have already spread or become serious enough to necessitate a fairly advanced procedure to repair the damage. Rather than waiting for something to go wrong, set up a schedule with your family dentist to have expert hygienists and dental assistants inspect your kids’ teeth on a regular basis. For many families, those in-depth cleanings and exams for early warning signs of tooth decay are enough to help the little ones make it to their teenage years free and clear of cavities.

Think About It Every Day

Brushing and flossing aren’t activities that kids typically rush to participate in, or even that they remember on their own. Besides simply reminding them that they need to take care of their teeth, there are things you can do to make “tooth time” a more exciting, attractive experience for your kids. Incentives like stickers or rewards for long-term consistency are fantastic—you may find that they are enough to prompt your kids to remember to brush and floss without any further action on your part! You can also help by providing toothbrushes, toothpaste, flossers, and other equipment that kids love looking at and playing with. The more enjoyable the experience is, the more willing your kids will be to engage in it.

Consider even making a significant financial investment in these incentives and equipment—the amount you spend on a big annual reward for your kids is certainly worth the return of great oral health throughout childhood and the establishment of daily oral hygiene habits that will last into adulthood.

On the flip side, remember that just because your child was at the sink with their toothbrush for two minutes doesn’t necessarily mean that their teeth received a thorough cleaning that night! Be involved enough that you can confirm that your kids are brushing and flossing effectively, and provide guidance when necessary to get the job done right.

Ask us about more daily oral hygiene tips.

(919) 231-6024

About Sealants

Maybe you’ve heard about sealants and wondered if they are right for your kids. This oral health protection tool has gained lots of attention in the years since it was introduced, and it has proven to be very effective for lots of children. A sealant is a thin layer of synthetic material that your dentist applies to your child’s teeth—most often to the molars in the back of the mouth, where bacteria and food particles tend to accumulate most often. The sealant simply forms a barrier to these particles, keeping them away from the surface of the teeth and preventing them from causing decay.

There are really not many disadvantages to speak of in connection with sealants, and your family dentist in Raleigh, NC can provide you with more information to help you decide whether they are right for your children. One key fact to remember, though, is that sealants are not substitutes for daily oral hygiene. They are an added layer of protection, but it’s still just as important to brush, floss, and get rid of those infection-causing particles every day.

For more information about sealants, tooth decay, and other oral health topics that are important for your kids, contact us directly. At New Hope Dental Care, we love helping children take care of their teeth from the earliest ages!

Gentle dentistry for the whole family

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