Alignment Issues: Cosmetic Dentistry In Raleigh, NC

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Cosmetic Dentistry
cosmetic dentistry in raleigh nc

When we talk about cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC, we often remind our patients that most topics under the category of “cosmetic dentistry” also have a huge health component as well. Usually teeth that look great are also very healthy, and when something looks “off” about someone’s dental structure, there are significant threats to that person’s health that are also present. Alignment is a fantastic example of what we’re talking about, and we’d like to explain that a little more for you in today’s blogpost.

How’s Your Bite?

How many times do your upper and lower rows of teeth come together in a single day? Every time you take a bite of food, your teeth make contact with each other, and that contact is either aligned or misaligned. If you have an overbite, underbite, or other type of misalignment, that contact puts an undue strain on your dental structure. Over time, that strain will begin to take a toll, as parts of your jaw and teeth wear out more quickly than normal. TMJ disorders are common results of this type of misalignment, causing the patient pain on a frequent or even constant basis and making it difficult to sleep. Resolving TMJ disorders is usually troublesome and complicated, and it is far preferable to resolve the root causes before TMJ disorders develop if possible. Correcting an incorrect bite (called “malocclusion”) early on is much easier than dealing with TMJ disorders later on.

Misaligned Individual Teeth

There are different reasons why a tooth may not align correctly with its neighboring teeth. It may have simply grown in at an angle when it replaced an outgoing “baby tooth,” or it may have been knocked out of alignment during an injury-causing impact. In either case, leaving that tooth permanently misaligned can lead to all sorts of trouble later on. Perhaps the most serious threat is the possibility of bacteria and other disease-causing particles becoming lodged between the misaligned teeth. Those diseases can take root in the gums, eventually spreading to healthy teeth and creating all sorts of painful, far-reaching consequences. The truth is, an expert in cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC is capable of correcting this minor misalignment and avoiding future infections—all it takes is a visit to the office!

Realignment Options

Even if you are an adult and your dental structure has stopped growing, it’s not too late to realign your teeth and get things back to where they should be. The huge, bulky braces of the past are gone, and solutions like Invisalign and Six Months Smiles are helping adults achieve great alignment that they never thought was possible, with minimal discomfort and interruption to their daily lives. If you don’t like the way your teeth look in the mirror, there are probably more serious health threats lurking behind that misalignment. You owe it to yourself to investigate your options for cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC! At New Hope Dental Care, we work closely with experienced, first-class orthodontists in the area to make sure that our patients get the best service possible in these areas.

Your Partners for Cosmetic Dentistry in Raleigh, NC

As your dentist in Raleigh, NC, Dr. Eric Ladimer can help you with many cosmetic dentistry procedures right here in his office. Teeth whitening and repair are relatively minor processes that our team can perform for you, giving you great results that will have everyone who meets you taking a second look. But it’s also important to have a great network of specialists in the Raleigh area for things like major realignment, and Dr. Eric Ladimer knows exactly who to trust with his patients’ teeth. We get just as excited as our patients when we see them return to our office for their regular exams, boasting a beautiful, realigned set of teeth and a new air of self-confidence to go with it.

You may already know what needs to be done to restore your beautiful smile, or you might be looking for expert advice on how cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC can get you looking and feeling great again. Either way, we look forward to scheduling your appointment with our expert team and starting you on the road to great oral health!

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