Poor Oral Care Leads to Other Health Issues in the Body

Dental Care
Oral care

All humans want to live a healthy life. However, taking care of one’s body stretches well beyond eating right and exercising. If you want to be healthy and minimize your risk for disease, you have to take care of your oral health as well. As the mouth is the first point of contact between nearly all substances that your body comes into contact with, you must be considerate of its health. If you’re looking for a dental clinic in Raleigh, NC, look no further than New Hope Dental Care, as we have the capacity, care, and knowledge to keep you on track for living a healthy life.

How Oral Health Is Connected to the Rest of Your Body

The human mouth is full of bacteria, usually good, but sometimes bad. As your mouth is the doorway to the rest of your body, there’s no secret your mouth plays a key role in the digestive system. While most people often only consider chewing as the fundamental piece to your mouth’s role, bacteria play a large role as well. In a healthy mouth, bacteria will assist with breaking down food, so your body can digest it properly and extract the nutrients.

On the other hand, when you do not take proper care of your oral health—from brushing and flossing—the bacteria in your mouth can get out of control. Your mouth may begin to house unnatural levels of various bacterial strains which can lead to infections. Ultimately, poor oral care can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and more, when things get out of hand. That’s why you should find an expert dental clinic, in Raleigh, NC.

As destructive oral bacteria remain in your mouth, the rest of your body will bear the effects. The reasons for which are not properly studied and defined. However, dentists and scientists alike believe that while poor bacteria live in your mouth, it can travel to other parts of your body. Often, this occurs as bacteria enter the bloodstream.

Conditions Linked to Oral Health

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most prominent and destructive effects of poor oral health is the toll bacteria can play on one’s arteries. Scientists believe that as bacteria enter the bloodstream through one’s mouth, the bacteria can cause plaque build-ups. This phenomenon can lead to blood flow issues and eventually may lead to an increased risk of heart attacks. Blood pressure is also affected by oral health.


Just like how bacteria can wreak havoc on your arteries, it too can do so in your heart. As the bacteria makes its way from your mouth, through your arteries, it can eventually land in your heart. Here, bacteria may spread, increase in numbers, and infect the inner lining of your heart.


The relationship between diabetes and poor oral health is mutual, as they can both contribute to the other. When somebody suffers from gum disease, periodontitis, their blood sugar levels become altered. This may lead to an increased likelihood for someone with gum disease to develop diabetes. At the same time, somebody with diabetes is more likely to experience gum disease, and they will have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels if they do not take proper care of their oral health.


Similar to how bacteria can affect one’s arteries, bacteria can also affect one’s lungs. When somebody has poor oral health, and uncontrolled bacterial levels, these destructive bacteria can be pulled into the lungs. When this occurs, the bacteria may spread, and cause infection leading to pneumonia.

Birth/Pregnancy Complications

When a woman becomes pregnant, she experiences many hormonal changes, which may increase her risk of developing an infection. Unfortunately, this means a pregnant woman may be at greater risk of developing periodontitis. This, in turn, can also increase the risk for pregnancy complications such as low birth weight or premature birth.

To reduce the risk for any complications, visit a dental clinic in Raleigh, NC.

The Bottom Line

While the human body is beautiful and inspiring, you must take proper care of it to ensure you live the healthiest life possible. To do this, you must start with your oral health. When your oral health falters, the rest of your body can follow. If you’re looking for the best dentist in Raleigh, NC, New Hope Dental Care is here for you. Reach out to us to request an appointment to ensure you have the proper oral health!



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