New Tech At New Hope Dental Care: The Overview

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Dental Care

Last month we mentioned that Dr. Erik Ladimer and the staff here at New Hope Dental Care work hard to stay on top of the latest and greatest techniques and technology in the industry so that we can continue leveling up our patient care.

Well, 2020 is already shaping up to be a banner year for improvements! Your very own Raleigh, NC dental clinic is installing a cone-beam computed tomography system (CBCT). Why, you may ask, as we adding a Star Wars droid to our office? We’re not! But we are now going to be offering more advanced and accurate x-rays than ever before.

Over the next couple of months, we’ll be letting you know all about CBCT and how it can benefit your dental care. Today, we’re giving you an overview of when you might find yourself sitting in our newest tech.

What does CBCT mean?

CBCT is actually a version of a CT machine you may have seen or experienced at the hospital when your doctor needed a more detailed image of your body than a regular x-ray machine can create. The extra detail in CT and CBCT scans is available because the x-rays are 3D! The cone beam part of the strange name means that instead of using a single, flat beam to create an image, the CBCT uses a conical one.

For you, this means the machine will move around your head while you sit fairly comfortably in the x-ray chair. It all sounds—and may look—more daunting than it actually is.

When you might see it

Not everyone will need to meet the CBCT. If a standard 2D x-ray will give us the image we need of your teeth, gums, jaw, etc., we will take it! You might visit the CBCT for the following conditions:

  • planning for dental implants
  • visualization of abnormal teeth
  • diagnosis of dental caries (cavities)
  • root canal diagnosis
  • diagnosis of dental trauma

We will discuss the imaging options with you before deciding which method is best. We always consider your input in your health care decisions.

Don’t worry. Smile happy.

We understand that any time new kinds of radiation technology are introduced, people get nervous. Parents especially worry about this kind of technology around their kiddos, but we promise we won’t put any of our patients in danger. According to the FDA, while CBCT scans do deliver more radiation than traditional 2D scans, “radiation doses from dental CBCT exams are generally lower than other CT exams.”1

Remember, CBCT can help us see lots of conditions earlier than we would with regular scans, which means catching things like tooth fractures, decaying roots, and even cancer with this beneficial technology.



On scanning day

Prepping for a CBCT scan is easier than you might think. Before you come in, remember:

  • Leave jewelry at home
  • Wear contacts instead of glasses, if possible
  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Leave hair clips and accessories, especially metal ones, at home

At the office, you will need to:

  • Remove hearing aids and glasses
  • Remove dentures
  • Remove all accessories, especially metal ones
  • Breathe and relax. It will be over in a jiffy!

More to come

We know a single post here can’t answer every question you may have about this new and exciting addition to New Hope Dental Care. Next month, we’ll tell you more about how CBCT differs from our standard x-rays, and in March, we’ll clarify how it can help us diagnose and treat different conditions.

As always, if you ever have any questions about anything we do or offer in the clinic, we encourage you to reach out and ask. A member of our super friendly staff will always be happy to explain in a way that puts you at ease.

We look forward to seeing you in the office soon!

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New Tech At New Hope Dental Care: A Comparison