New Tech At New Hope Dental Care: A Comparison

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Dental Care

Last month we started telling you about the new cone-beam computed tomography system (CBCT) here at New Hope Dental Care. This month, we’re giving you a little more information about this new technology and how it stacks up next to standard dental x-rays. So whether you are in our Raleigh office for emergency dental services or a standard cleaning with annual imaging, you will understand the difference traditional x-rays and our new CBCT scans.

Oldies but goodies in oral scanning

While we are really excited about our new scanning capabilities, we are not getting rid of tech that is tried and true. Standard x-ray techniques like bite wings, periapical, and panoramic are still in the mix. Here’s a quick reminder of what these types look like and do:

  • Bite-wing x-rays: These intraoral images (meaning they are taken from within the mouth) show both the upper and lower teeth in one area of your mouth. Each image our dental hygienists and Dr. Ladimer your teeth from the crown to the supporting bone of the jaw.
  • Periapical x-rays: These are the most common type of x-ray taken at most dentist offices. They show the whole tooth and are generally taken intraorally in groups in one portion of your upper or lower jaw.
  • Panoramic x-rays: These are the extraoral image of all your teeth in both your upper and lower jaw. These images allow Dr. Ladimer to see everything on a single x-ray, helping him to identify emerging teeth, impacted teeth, and possible tumors.

Breakthrough technology in dental care

The biggest difference between these more common kinds of x-rays and CBCT scans is the fact that CBCT offers 3D images of your mouth. Because of the level of detail and depth of the scans, the images display soft tissue AND bone, as well as dental structures. Using CBCT Dr. Ladimer can discover issues with your gums, roots, jaw, tonsils, adenoids, and even see enlarged turbinates (that’s the part of your nose that cleans and moisturized the air that goes through your nose to your lungs). The images are also usually free of magnification, superimposition of neighboring structures, and other we often see with panoramic x-rays.

Unlike 2D x-ray techniques, CBCT can:

  • Provide accurate measurements and details like shape and dimensions of your jaw. This is incredibly useful when planning for dental implant surgery or taking measurements for oral appliances.
  • Detect lesions that may indicate serious disease.
  • Identify the precise location of an infection in your tooth. It can pinpoint an infection! How cool is that?

The final cool thing about CBCT technology is that, unlike regular CT scan situations, the scanner moves around you while you sit still, similar to what happens with standard x-rays. This means you don’t have to worry about what to do during a scan. You already know! Just sit and smile, and we’ll do the rest.

Trust Raleigh’s best dentist with your oral care

We are really excited to have the opportunity to serve our dental patients in the RaleighKnightsdale, and New Bern areas. As we continue upgrading our facility and educating our staff, we will also continue sharing the latest and greatest news with you, our incredible patients.

We hope learning about CBCT scanning has been informative and comforting, and we look forward to wrapping up our series next month with a post about the major benefits of using CBCT scans. We’ve covered several already, but only on the surface. We’re going to take you deeper into the capabilities of the machine and how they can help us serve you better every day.

If you have any questions about CBCT scans, general oral care, root canals, pediatric dentistry, implants, tooth whitening services or anything else mouthy, we hope you will reach out and ask. Our highly trained and friendly New Hope Dental Care staff are always happy to chat with you about your concerns.

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New Tech At New Hope Dental Care: The Overview
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New Tech At New Hope Dental Care: The Benefits